We offer free virtual training to anyone who wishes to become an effective community college mentor.

Our interactive seminars are designed to teach best practices that promote community college student success with the opportunity to have your questions answered.

Explore upcoming virtual trainings below ➤

Overcoming Common Obstacles to Community College Success

Overcoming Common Obstacles to Community College Success

Every community college student will face obstacles in their educational pursuits. If students recognize this and cultivate practices to help them navigate these challenges, these difficulties do not become roadblocks on their journey to meet their educational goals. Using real-life experiences from community college, you will learn about the very most important ways to minimize obstacles to success and how to overcome those that are encountered.

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Community College Majors and Educational Plans

Community College Majors and Educational Plans

Knowledge is power! Every community college offers a wide range of majors from certificate programs. They range from majors in occupational fields to Associate Degrees for Transfer to universities. However, very few students, or their mentors, are aware of how these majors come together, and the course options within the educational plans that lead to graduation. In this interactive training you explore the various majors that are available, and learn how to construct and utilize an educational plan that matches the one prepared for the student by the community college. “Ask the Expert” question and answer opportunities are included.

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Career Discovery and Community College Pathways

Career Discovery and Community College Pathways

The early discovery of a career that fits the community college student’s interests, skills, and personality is critical in ensuring that money, time, and financial aid are not wasted.  In this interactive training you will learn how to use a combination of personality and career assessment tools that have been proven to match individuals with ideal careers and majors.  You will also learn how to take advantage of community college pathways programs in applying the results of these tools.

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Overcoming Common Obstacles to Community College Success

Overcoming Common Obstacles to Community College Success

Every community college student will face obstacles in their educational pursuits. If students recognize this and cultivate practices to help them navigate these challenges, these difficulties do not become roadblocks on their journey to meet their educational goals. Using real-life experiences from community college, you will learn about the very most important ways to minimize obstacles to success and how to overcome those that are encountered.

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Community College  Majors and Educational Plans

Community College Majors and Educational Plans

Knowledge is power! Every community college offers a wide range of majors and certificate programs. They range from majors in occupational fields to Associate Degrees for Transfer to universities. However, very few students, or their mentors, are aware of how these majors come together, and the course options within the educational plans that lead to graduation. In this interactive training you explore the various majors that are available, and learn how to construct and utilize an educational plan that matches the one prepared for the student by the community college. “Ask the Expert” question and answer opportunities are included.

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Career Discovery and Community College Pathways

Career Discovery and Community College Pathways

The early discovery of a career that fits the community college student’s interests, skills, and personality is critical in ensuring that money, time, and financial aid are not wasted.  In this interactive training you will learn how to use a combination of personality and career assessment tools that have been proven to match individuals with ideal careers and majors.  You will also learn how to take advantage of community college pathways programs in applying the results of these tools.

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